Health resort

List of services

  • Spa services
  • Hotel services
  • Physiotherapy treatment
  • Therapeutic treatment
  • Catering
  • Sports equipment rental
  • Water equipment rental
  • Pool and water park services
  • Specialist consultations
  • Functional diagnostics
  • Zoo Services
  • Excursion service
  • Transfer services
  • Mineral water sales

Dear vacationers, the sanatorium is operating normally! Due to the growing international tension, additional security measures have been taken in the sanatorium. Admission of patients to the sanatorium is made in the presence of:

  1. passports;
    1. for foreign citizens — passport, visa and migration card, other documents in the cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. SNILS
  3. медицинского полиса;
  4. health resort card;

To book a room and get advice on any questions, please contact us by phone 8 800 5555-393

To be treated in a sanatorium

Of course, it’s better not to get sick. Alas, nobody succeeds. But it is necessary to monitor health. Unique equipment, the latest techniques, qualified doctors, caring nurses, all this for the guests of our sanatorium. To be beautifully and effectively treated means to be treated in "Beautifully!"

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Relax in a sanatorium

Rest is necessary! Proven by science. Take a steam bath or swim, read while sitting with your feet in a soft chair or go to a disco, ride a bike or go to a bath with friends, eat deliciously and just do nothing - everyone has a favorite way to relax. And when you feel the urge to do something, it will become clear that it’s nice to relax - it’s relax in “Beautiful”!

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Cottages for rent

The sanatorium "Krasivo" offers its guests to rent a cottage among the pine forest, not far from its own landscaped sandy beach on the Vorskla River. It offers a choice of three-, four-, six-, eight-, and ten-person houses with a stylish interior made of wooden logs or stone.

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Work in a sanatorium

At the service of those who wish to work on vacation is the innovative business center of the sanatorium. This is the place where the conditions for self-development of the person are created. A large hall for holding congresses, conferences, seminars, international meetings, forums and events of any level is presented to everyone.

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How to prevent the FLU

Coming cold season is a traditional time of growth in the incidence of ARI and INFLUENZA.

Flu – acute respiratory viral infection that has a worldwide distribution, affects all age group people.

the Flu and SARS are 95% of all infectious diseases.

How do you get infected?

Getting on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, the virus is introduced in their epithelial cells, enters the bloodstream and causes intoxication. The conditions for activation of other types of bacteria, and penetrate from the outside, the new bacteria that cause secondary infection – pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis, aggravation of chronic diseases can affect the heart, joints.

Who is the source of the infection?

the Only source and distributor of infection is a sick person. The main way of the spread of flu viruses from person to person is droplet infection when talking, coughing, sneezing. The spread of influenza viruses may occur and contact-household by failure to comply with the sick person and the surrounding individuals the rules of personal hygiene, including the use of care items (towel, handkerchiefs, utensils, etc.), not subjected to treatment and disinfection. It must be remembered that the infection is easily transmitted through dirty hands. Special observations have shown that the hands up to 300 times contact with discharge from nose and eyes, with saliva. When shaking hands, using doorknobs, and other objects moving on the hands healthy and thence to him in the nose, eyes, mouth.

what is the flu?

In typical cases the disease begins abruptly: fever up to 38-40 degrees, there is a fever, severe headache, dizziness, pain in the eyeballs and muscles, watery eyes, and pain in the eyes.

What to do if you got sick?

At the first symptoms should consult a doctor. Rest and follow all the doctor's recommendations. Self-treatment for the flu is unacceptable. Indeed, to predict the course of influenza is impossible, and complications can be very different.


the Most effective means in preventing influenza is vaccination. The vaccine everyone needs people who care about their health and the health of others. 70-80% of Teens were vaccinated employees in the team create immune layer, which protects against flu. Timely vaccination reduces the incidence of influenza several times, softens the disease, shorten its duration, prevent complications. A flu shot is best done in October-November, when the epidemic had not yet begun. The immune system is produced in about 2 weeks. Vaccinating during the epidemic also effective, however, in the period before the development of immunity (7-15 days after vaccination) should be prevented by other means.

it Must be remembered that any drug in the treatment of flu side effects, which are not comparable to the allowable reactions to the vaccine. In addition, prophylactic antiviral medication must be taken during the whole period of the epidemic that prolonged use reduces their effectiveness and contributes to the formation of resistant forms of the virus.

  • it is Recommended to increase the protective forces of the body: physical exercise, eat right, on time and to get enough rest, take vitamin-mineral complexes.
  • Regularly and carefully to wash hands with soap and water, especially after coughing or sneezing. Alcohol for cleaning hands also effective.
  • Avoid touching your hands to your nose and mouth. The infection spreads in this way.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable handkerchief when sneezing or coughing. After use throw the handkerchief into the wastebasket.
  • Use individual or disposable towels.
  • try to avoid close contact with people with flu-like symptoms (possible to keep them at a distance of approximately 1 meter).
  • Regularly ventilate the room, do wet cleaning.
  • how to avoid hypothermia and overheating.
  • During an epidemic of influenza and SARS, it is not recommended to use public transport and walk-in guests.
  • in the flu and colds, stay home, call a physician. To avoid possible contact with other family members, wear a medical mask, follow the rules of personal hygiene. It is necessary not to infect others or spread any viral infection.

it Should be remembered that the observance of all the measures of prevention will protect against flu and its adverse effects.

Our health is in our hands
Always and at all times the problem with nutrition was relevant. From time to time in magazines, TV,  the Internet is increasingly dredge up too many new-fangled diets, the effectiveness of which is supported by interviews or photographs of famous personalities. In fact, diet is only a temporary restriction in the diet, which was sure to happen sooner or later breakdown. To avoid this make far more sense just to go to a proper and healthy lifestyle. What is proper nutrition?  the number  of the rules, in the observance of which , not only can achieve the desired results in the transformation, as well as to prevent many diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes melli...
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Appeal to the Director

Reception Hours:

Naberezhnev Dmitry Ivanovich - Director, from 09:00 to 17:00

8(47246) 5-08-04

Pankov Alexander Sergeevich – acting chief doctor, from 11:00 to 15:00

8(47246) 5-35-51

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Write to the director
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Reviews of the sanatorium


05:05, 12 марта 2023.

I have repeatedly rested in this wonderful sanatorium and plan to undergo treatment in the future. Thanks to the staff of the sanatorium and the medical staff for the rest, for the treatment, for the cleanliness in the rooms and on the territory. The medical staff at the sanatorium are attentive, polite and friendly! And nature and the air are something special. The territory is simply gorgeous, pine forest, well-groomed territory, two zoos are all above all praise! The events held (concerts, performances of artists, films) are beyond praise. Everything was wonderful. But there is a small fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey - this is the absence of a mark in the custom menu of recommended dishes for diabetics and the voicing of events in the assembly hall (the volume is such that you go deaf). The quality of custom-made dishes is at the highest level, delicious and in a good assortment. The only wish is to highlight (mark) dishes for diabetics, but everyone is familiar with dietetics and knows which dishes are contraindicated (undesirable) for diabetics. Previously, the menu was marked bs (without sugar). So that the client of the sanatorium makes the decision to choose a dish on his own responsibility and does not solve the cause of the increase in sugar.

Лузан Елена

09:46, 29 августа 2023.


14:30, 24 сентября 2023.